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Case Study

Onwards HR faced a significant challenge in responding to security questionnaires received from their clients. On top of uncertainty on how to address these questionnaires, they also needed improved security measures and compliance. This prompted them to seek expert guidance from CyberData Pros. Additionally, they aspired to obtain SOC 2 certification, all while exploring the idea of global expansion while ensuring security at every step.

The Problem

Onwards HR faced a significant challenge in responding to security questionnaires received from their clients. On top of uncertainty on how to address these questionnaires, they also needed improved security measures and compliance. This prompted them to seek expert guidance from CyberData Pros. Additionally, they aspired to obtain SOC 2 certification, all while exploring the idea of global expansion while ensuring security at every step.


Onwards HR partnered with CyberData Pros, which specializes in data privacy, security, and compliance to serve as their virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO). The collaboration aimed to address the few challenges faced by Onwards HR:

Security Questionnaires: CyberData Pros assisted Onwards HR in understanding and responding to security questionnaires from clients, ensuring accurate and comprehensive answers.

SOC 2 Certification: The vCISO played a crucial role in guiding Onwards HR through the SOC 2 certification process, helping them meet the stringent security and compliance requirements.

Policy Revisions: CyberData Pros provided ongoing support for updating and revising policies to align with the latest industry standards and compliance regulations.

Security Implementations: Recommendations for security implementations were offered, ensuring Onwards HR's platform was protected against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Global Expansion: Onwards HR received guidance on secure global expansion, addressing considerations for entering new markets such as the UK, Canada, the Middle East, and China.

The Result

The partnership with CyberData Pros gained significant positive outcomes for Onwards HR:

SOC 2 Certification: Onwards HR successfully obtained SOC 2 certification, validating their commitment to data security and compliance.

Client Acquisition: Onwards HR found that the smooth completion of client questionnaires made it easier for them to bring in new clients. This not only boosted confidence in the company's security practices but also helped strengthen their client base.

Gap Remediation: CyberData Pros helped Onwards HR identify and remediate security gaps, ensuring a strong and secure platform.

Continuous Compliance: Through ongoing support and policy revisions, Onwards HR remains up-to-date with the latest privacy trends and compliance requirements.

Global Presence: With the help of CyberData Pros' advice, Onwards HR can confidently expand into global markets, ensuring secure operations across diverse geographical regions.


"There are so many cybersecurity rules and data regulations, which can be especially overwhelming for people who don't specialize in the industry. Having to answer security questionnaires when you're not the expert alongside your main responsibilities was not scalable. In addition, we needed guidance on how to grow globally AND securely."

Janice Edwards

Co-Founder, Chief Product Officer at Onwards HR